Chloe Hong Trumpet Skirt Update

This post was written by Lindy Shopper.


Because you all need the trumpet skirt play-by-play (because I need the trumpet skirt play-by-play), I’m here with three updates about Chloe Hong:

1. Her website is live, so you can order the flare/trumpet skirts directly through the website, rather than through the FROMChloeHong Facebook page. Click into your shopping cart and GOOOOOOOOO!

2. Three new colors – light green (!!!), light purple, and beige. Two of my favorite colors and a neutral, I approve.

3. Three colors will be discontinued once the current stock is sold out: vintage green, vintage purple, and brown. If one of these colors has been on your wishlist, you know what to do.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled twirling!